At Oaktree Nursery and Primary School, we believe that all children need to feel safe and supported in order to be confident and ready to learn. We want all children to develop as confident literate, numerate learners, equipped with the necessary skills to access life and learning successfully. We work hard to develop children’s resilience as learners and, wherever possible, encourage a Growth Mindset to all learning. We ensure that our curriculum is fully accessible for all children, including those with disabilities and Special Educational Needs. For further information on this, please refer to our Equalities Policy, our SEND Policy and our Curriculum Policy.
We aim that all children understand the role that they play in our school community and the wider world, respecting each other and developing their understanding of others’ beliefs and cultures. We promote social, moral, cultural and social development in order that children at Oaktree Nursery and Primary School have a strong understanding of the value of the rights and responsibilities of all members of society. We also work to ensure that children have a curiosity and respect for our environment and that they understand the importance of caring for and protecting this for us all. The Oaktree Values reflect this, these being: be Optimistic, have Ambition, be Kind, be Truthful, be Resilient, have Empathy, show Equity.
We have designed our curriculum on a 2 year rolling programme based on the National Curriculum. Children have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills through a clearly planned progression covered by our termly topics. These are set out in our Skills Spirals and Curriculum Map. We aim to equip learners with the skills, knowledge and ambition to achieve their full potential and to develop an understanding of their own talents and interests.
Where possible, links to other subjects such as English, are made to allow children to apply skills across the curriculum. We aim to enable children to experience learning in the outdoors and through practical experiences.
Schemes of Work are used to support the following subjects:
Art - Access Art
DT - Kapow
Maths - Buzzard (Can Do Maths) and White Rose Maths
Music - Charanga
PE - Real PE
PSHE - Jigsaw
RE - Jigsaw