
English at Oaktree

The National Curriculum forms the basis of all English teaching objectives at Oaktree.

Speaking and Listening forms a key part of English at Oaktree, children need the chance to listen to and rehearse saying sentences to support their reading and writing. Talk for Writing supports this further by developing children’s familiarity with different genres.

We encourage all children to read for pleasure and develop a life-long love of books. Class book corners are resourced and regularly updated with a range of text types (both contemporary and classics) to complement reading scheme books. Our library offers a variety of books that children can use to support their learning in class or provide a greater range of reading for pleasure choice. Teachers share a passion for reading with our children and read aloud daily.

Reading skills are developed through a variety of reading opportunities in and out of class. Units of work include a chance for children to practise, develop and apply these skills with a variety of text types. Children are encouraged to develop and broaden their vocabulary by identifying powerful words in reading, which they can then use in their own writing.

Children are assessed regularly and read books that are levelled using Book Bands until they are judged to be ‘Free Readers’. Children who are assessed as making slower progress are supported by a range of interventions such as Reading Partners and Fresh Start phonics.

Writing includes the teaching of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Children are taught to use and apply phonics rules to spell a wide range of words. Grammar and punctuation are taught as part of the writing process, enabling children to apply known rules to their work. Handwriting skills are developed and practised throughout the school.

Units of writing cover a wide range of genres and, where possible, this is linked to children’s learning across the curriculum. Medium term plans include details of which genres are the focus for the term’s writing. Talk for Writing, role play and writing for different ‘real life’ purposes are all regularly used to support the development of writing skills.

Children are assessed regularly in writing across a range of genres. Children who are assessed as making slower progress in writing are supported by our team of intervention teachers to develop skills in areas such as handwriting, phonics, sentence construction and writing for meaning.

How can parents and carers help?

Hearing your child read regularly, supporting them in practising their handwriting and spellings and talking to them to support the development of speaking in full sentences are all extremely helpful. Encouraging your child to complete any homework in English will also help to develop their skills in English.
Our "Intent, Implementation and Impact" for English at Oaktree
Please see the documents below for more information about how we teach English at Oaktree.