Design and Technology

Through Design and Technology lessons we intend that the children
  • Have the confidence and skills to solve real life problems in and out of school
  • Be enterprising, resourceful and capable citizens
  • Have a sense of pride in what they have achieved
  • Appreciate and discuss the work of others
  • Know about other sources and information to solve new and unfamiliar problems
Design and Technology (DT) is linked to the curriculum from Years 1 to 6 using Kapow to support.  In Early Years the children will be given the support and resources to follow any projects that they wish to create using a variety of media.  Cooking, sewing and contructing will all be available to children from across the school.  They will get a chance to learn and rehearse skills ensuring that they make progress as they grow and learn. 
Children will learn to cook different dishes as they move through the school, they will be able to use basic ingredients to cook themselves a healthy meal.  In other areas of DT the children will be given the chance to develop their ideas and practise their skills until they are confident in what they can do.  They will design a range of products for a real purpose and they will make them using a wide range of skills.  They will then evaluate their own work and that of others which will also help them improve their technical knowledge.  Much of this will be done through exploration and investigation.