Year Four

Welcome to Year 4.
We are Kites and Owls classes.   
In Owls class, you will find Mrs Cooper. 
In Kites class, you will find Mr Whyte.
Miss Webb, Mrs Money and Miss Kelly are our Learning Support Assistants, and work between all four classes in Year 3 and 4. They are very helpful!  
A large amount of our daily communication will be via Class Dojo. If you have not already signed up, or need an additional login, please let your class teacher know and we will sort this as soon as we can. 
Important things to remember:
  • Bring your reading books and reading records on Friday. The children should aim to read three times a week. Reading points will be awarded accordingly. 
  • You will need to wear your PE kit to school every Wednesday (indoor) and every Thursday (outdoors).
Please get in contact via Class Dojo if you have any questions. 
Alternatively, our email addresses are and